Done is Better Than Perfect

It’s a new year, that time when it seems like everyone sets impossible resolutions and dives in headfirst for a week or two. I struggle with creating routines for basic stuff already, so I long ago decided that new year resolutions were waaay too much pressure. But in recent years, I’ve noticed a trend toward choosing a specific word or phrase to be your mantra for the coming year, and I actually really like that idea! No big pressure machine, just a concept to return to whenever you’re feeling the daily grind.

So I’m choosing a mantra for 2023: DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT!

I don’t know about you, but I have a huge amount of trouble putting anything out into the world that could possibly contain a mistake (or worse, two!). I have a specific vision for my website and brand, and I overthink EVERYTHING to make sure it fits into said vision without issue.

What I’ve learned, though, is that while the brand vision is important, that pesky perfectionism is more of a hindrance than a help. I’ve been holding myself back for fear of missteps, and therefore I haven’t made the great strides I’ve been dreaming about, either.

It’s time to come out of the shadows. The ideas I have saved up are doing no good sitting in my notebooks, scribbled down and shoved out of sight. I’ve spent the past month or so revising my marketing plan, reflecting on goals, and taking real action steps towards achieving those goals.

The first step? Making the most of my email list! Now, at the beginning of each month, subscribers will get an email with a link to a beautiful calendar graphic you can download and use as your desktop image. I’ve been wanting to do this for ages, and I’ve finally buckled down and made it happen! If you want January’s calendar image (and the rest of the perks!), sign up by clicking the image below:

But wait, there’s more!

I am also going to be overhauling the structure of Birds & Blossoms this year. To be perfectly honest and transparent, getting seen in the online sphere is HARD. Trying to launch a retail business is HARD. I am the CEO, marketing team, design team, and everything else all rolled into one person, and it as it turns out, that’s not terribly efficient! Especially when I am also a stay-at-home mom 24/7, so obviously my kids come first. Therefore, in 2023, I’m going to be evaluating what is currently working, what is currently not working, and giving myself the permission to drop whatever is in that second category. At least for now.

The first thing to go will be my storefront.

…Wait, what?!

Yes, it’s true! I will still be making art (duh), doing craft shows in person (and will announce those appearances in the newsletter), and uploading designs to TeePublic and Raspberry Creek Fabrics, but I’m going to drop the retail storefront from my to-do list for the foreseeable future. January 31st will be the official takedown date, so in the meantime, if you’d like to score some holiday items for next year or refresh your space for the new year with some art, do it now before it’s too late!

With the worries of retail gone and the extra time in my schedule, I will be focused on building a sustainable pitching schedule for art licensing, giving some extra love to those TeePublic and Raspberry Creek Fabrics storefronts, and getting more of my creative ideas down onto paper and into my portfolio. I am honestly super excited about 2023’s possibilities, now that I’ve had time to sit with this decision, and I can’t wait to share my progress with you!

What will your mantra be?

Do you have a word or phrase that you’ll use to define your year? If so, let me know! I’d love to hear about your plans. :)


Shopping Small This December